Executive Committee
Albuquerque Gem and Mineral Club
Wyoming State Mineral and Gem Society
Northwest Arkansas Gem & Mineral Society
Wichita Gem & Mineral Society
Past President-1
Executive Committee
The Rocky Mountain Federation of Mineralogical Societies is divided into districts with one member from each district as a State Director. State Directors are elected by the House of Delegates and will serve on the Federation's Executive Committee. As stated in the RMFMS By-Laws, ARTICLE V – EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, Section 2, the term of office for State Directors shall be for two years. The term of office shall begin on November 1 of the year elected and run until October 31 two years later. The following State Directors shall be elected in even numbered years: Colorado, New Mexico/Texas, Oklahoma/Arkansas, Wyoming and Utah. The following State Directors shall be elected in odd numbered years: Arizona/Nevada, Kansas, North Dakota, and South Dakota/Nebraska.
Steve Kaminski, Mineralogical Society of Arizona, Flagg Mineral Foundation
8306 East Oak Street, Scottsdale AZ, 480*321*9749; aznvstatedirector~at~gmail.com
Kathy Honda, (2019) Denver Gem & Mineral Guild
3591 S. Richfield Circle Aurora CO 80013-3039; 303*315*7749; Katherine.honda~at~ucdenver.edu
Brad Davenport, (2021) Topeka Gem and Mineral Society
8049 SE 29th St Tecumseh, KS 66542, 785*845*6624; brad7254@gmail.com
New Mexico/Texas
Bob Regner, Albuquerque Gem and Mineral Club, rnregner~at~aol.com
North Dakota
Steve Fasching, steve.fasching~gmail.com
Roberta Wagle, (2022) Tulsa Rock and Mineral society, Tulsa, OK
21402 E Pecan Dr, Catoosa, OK 74015, 918*695*4291; waglemom~gmail.com
S Dakota/Nebraska
Lori Loomis, (2020) Western Dakota Gem and Mineral Society, SD
PO Box 415, Rapid City, SD 57709; 605*718*9130; sdnestatedirector~at~gmail.com
Tracy Jensen
Leane Gray, Sublette County Rock Hounds
PO Box 1351, Big Piney, WY 83113; lgray~at~wyoming.com
All phone numbers and email addresses have been altered to reduce the chance of being found in searches used by scammers. In the emails, the “@” has been replaced by “~at~” and the phone numbers have been separated by an *. When using this information, you will need to put the information in its proper format for it to work properly.
ACROY- Chris Whitney-Smith, Ask.ChrisWS@yahoo.com
ALL American Club -Roberta Wagle, Waglemom@gmail.com
BECA Contest- Linda Jaeger, ljgralg@aol.com
Boundaries -Delane Cox
Convention Advisor- Liz Thomas, mygemsrock@gmail.com
Credentials- Roberta Wagle
Directory -Liz Thomas, mygemsrock@gmail.com
Editor- Linda Jeager
Finance- Wayne Cox, WayneC3@earthlink.com
Fluorescent Tech-Pete Modreski, pmodreski@aol.com
Fossils Tech- Patrick Rowe, rowe_patrick@ymail.com
Gold Pan Award-Richard Jaeger, rjgrsci@aol.com
Insurance-Gene Maggard, gandpmaggard@gmail.com
International Relations-Mike Nelson, csrockguy@yahoo.com
Juniors Program- Terri Harris, seeingeagle@comcast.net
Lapidary Tech- Vacant
Long Range Planning-Liz Thomas, mygemsrock@gmail.com
Long Range Planning- Richard Jaeger, rjgrsci@aol.com
Long Range Planning-Judy Beck, lkbeckfarm@gmail.com
Mineralogical Tech- Vacant
Name Badges-Richard Jaeger, rjgrsci@aol.com
Nominating Committee-Bob Regner, rnregner@aol.com
Nominating Committee-Liz Thomas, mygemsrock@gmail.com Nominating Committee-Richard Jaeger, rjgrsci@aol.com Parliamentarian- Gene Maggard, gandpmaggard@gmail.com
Plac—AZ- Dr. Alex Schauss Aschauss@arizona.edu
Plac -- CO/NE/ND- Mike Nelson (Chair), csrockguy@yahoo.com
Plac—KS- Jared Kyner
Plac—OK/AR-Stan Nowak, snowok48@yahoo.com
Plac—SD- Brandon Nelson, nelson.bc80@gmail.com
Plac—UT/NV-Jack Johnson, j4x4jj@ccomcast.net
Plac - WY- Richard Gerow, rgwizzard@wyoming.com
Program Contest-Gene Maggard, gandpmaggard@gmail.com
Program Library- Peggy Maggard, gandpmaggard@gmail.com
Public Relations- Brian Crocker
Ribbons- Peggy Sure Moore, moorepeggysue@gmail.com
Safety- Jodi Brewster
Scholarship Committee-Richard Jaeger, rjgrsci@aol.com Stationary/Trophies- Bennie Thomas
Supplies- Roberta Wagle, waglemom@gmail.com
Uniform Rules-
Leon Reader
Lee Whitebay: lwhitebay@poncacity.net
Les Prezmyk
Webmaster- Dale Bright webmaster@rmfms.org
Website Contest- Jennifer Gerring jgerring@gmail.com