All of the contest forms below are fillable .doc forms. This means you can download the forms to your computer, fill them in by typing the information into the form on your computer, then save it to your computer and print out a hard copy. You can also simply download the forms, print them, and fill in by hand.
NOTE: For 2022 RMFMS entry must be received by DeLane Cox, RMFMS All American Club Competition Chair by February 15, 2022. This early date will allow for judging and then forwarding the top three onto the AFMS Chair.
All-American Club Award
was established to encourage clubs to share their activities and expertise with other clubs within their respective regions and with the clubs of the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies. This was done by the seven regional federations and the AFMS in 1967. It was also meant to provide an organized approach to an historical record of a club’s activities and provide a means for national recognition of these exceptional clubs.
The Award focuses on the efforts of each club to be a good neighbor, support other clubs and government initiatives, and provide an avenue of learning and growth for its members, among other things. Each report is read and judged for completeness and quality, as well as inclusion of those activities thought to make a well-rounded club. This is not a competition between clubs, but rather a competition of each club against a ‘national standard’, established by a committee of judges and regional chairmen.
The Award is broken into two categories: large clubs (100 members or more) and small clubs (less than 100 members). Junior clubs with five or more members can also submit entries. Gold, Silver and Bronze awards are given, based on a point-count system.
2023 RMFMS Regional Website Contest
Webmasters, please consider entering the 2023 RMFMS Website Contest. This is a great opportunity to have your site evaluated by winning website judges to help improve your website. Your club Website serves several functions. Three of the major functions of the Website are:
(1) Attract new members
(2) Provide member information
(3) Assist the Club in fulfilling the Club’s Mission.
2023 Website Contest Entry Date: February 1
Contest Closing Date: March 3
Please send COMPLETED Website Contest application and Scoresheet filled out with your club information in the header portion, to:
For questions and more information contact: Jennifer Gerring, RMFMS Website Contest Chair,
2023 Contest Forms (2023 Guidelines, Application and Scoresheet)
Important: To enter the 2023 Website Contest, please use only the 2023 Website Contest Entry Form and 2023 Website Contest Score Sheet. Also, be sure to use Adobe Reader (or Adobe Acrobat) version 9 or newer when filling out the forms. Those versions allow you to fill in the blanks, save the results, and then go back and edit the documents later if needed.
Bulletin Editors Contest
The guidelines and forms (score sheets) for the RMFMS & AFMS Bulletin Editors Contests have been revised. RMFMS materials are the same as AFMS materials with one exception. RMFMS has an additional Features category (Photo Collage) that AFMS does not have. Please use the revised/updated guidelines and forms below, which include the Photo Collage category.
Using the new materials for 2024 and beyond is required. There are many changes to the juniors’ categories & eligibility, and refinements have been made to ALL score sheets. All new materials are in a different typeface, so it is obvious that you are using the revised rules & score sheets.
Because MS Word no longer has the option to create fillable PDFs, the fillable forms are now templates (.dotx). If your computer will not open the .dotx forms, you can download the “not fillable” forms, print them, and fill in by hand.
Why enter the Bulletin Editors Contest?
2023 Letters to Editors; re Bulletin Editors Contest
RMFMS Editors Checklist. Required
Contest Guidelines
Contest Fillable Forms (aka Judging Sheets)
Display Competition
AFMS Uniform Rules for Display Entrants (AFMS Website)
The following are sample forms for display entries. These, or something similar, will be made available prior to RMFMS conventions by the hosting organization. These samples are provided here so you can get an idea of what is likely to be asked on the official forms.